Natural Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis – Naturally Treat BV Home Remedies

If you are thinking that natural cures for bacterial vaginosis might be somehow less effective than antibiotics or over the counter treatments, then allow me to explain why this is not the case.

The very nature of bacterial vaginosis means that it is a difficult condition to treat using conventional medication. Bacterial vaginosis is not caused by an infection or virus (although it is commonly referred to as an infection for ease) but is an inflammation of the vaginal tissues caused by an imbalance of the levels of bacteria within the vagina. Within the vagina there are two types of bacteria-harmful and beneficial. Under normal circumstances, this bacteria co-exists in harmony, with the good bacteria maintaining healthy balance. When something happens to upset the balance and the bad bacteria overgrows, this causes the typical symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, including itching, burning, a gray/white thin discharge and the accompanying very unpleasant fishy odor.

If antibiotics are taken, these work by killing off the bacteria within the vagina. Unfortunately, although this means that the symptoms will stop, this is usually only temporarily as the antibiotics will kill off both the good and bad bacteria at the same time. This means that as soon as bacteria begins to naturally repopulate the vagina, the symptoms will start again as the good bacteria will not be of sufficient strength to maintain control.

<b>Did you realize that over 70% of women who take antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis will have a repeat outbreak within a few weeks?</b>

Natural cures for bacterial vaginosis work in a completely different way to antibiotics. Rather than concentrating on killing off the bacteria, the emphasis is on speedily restoring the natural balance within the vagina, thus ensuring that the body is perfectly equipped to quickly kill off any bad bacteria naturally.

There are a few natural cures you can try right away and these may give some temporary relief.

* Take a warm bath into which you have added a couple of cups of cider vinegar
* Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and many women have found relief using tea tree oil pessaries
* Try soaking a tampon in live, natural yogurt and inserting into the vagina for an hour or so. The “good” bacteria in the yogurt is similar to that within the vagina and will help replenish what is missing
* A flannel dipped in iced water and placed on the vaginal area will soothe any itching and burning

It is vital you understand that although natural cures for bacterial vaginosis can and do work extremely well, what will <b>not</b> work is a haphazard collection of home remedies. What I am talking about is a <b>systematic tried and tested approach</b> which is completely guaranteed to work-and has done so for thousands of women worldwide.

Having suffered from this condition myself, I can recommend my “top three” treatments for bacterial vaginosis. I have only used one of them-I got instant relief and a complete cure in 3 days. I have since recommended it to hundreds of women and have never received as much as one complaint. However, there are two others which I have included as during my research, I noticed that they have also received excellent testimonials and have high levels of customer satisfaction. You can find details of the treatments I recommend at Natural Cures For Bacterial Vaginosis

Mary Hopkinson

Natural Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis

Natural treatment of bacterial vaginosis are a much more effective method of treating BV than antibiotics. To understand why this is, you need to consider the nature of bacterial vaginosis.

A visit to the doctor will very often prompt a prescription for antibiotics. However, recent studies have shown that in excess of 70% of women taking antibiotics to get rid of bacterial vaginosis will have a repeat attack within a month or so.

This statistic alone often prompts women to look at natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis and the good news is that <b>they do work</b>!

The vagina has its own “ecosystem” in which there are finely balanced levels of bacteria. To a certain extent, this is self-managed, with the good, beneficial bacteria keeping the “bad” bacteria in check. When something happens to upset this balance, the bad bacteria grows extremely quickly and becomes out of control. This causes inflammation, burning,soreness and symptoms of cystitis plus the typical signs of bacterial vaginosis, including the grey watery discharge and the terrible smell.

Antibiotics work to kill off bacteria. Unfortunately they cannot distinguish between the different types if bacteria in the vagina and as a result, all bacteria is killed off. This means that once “bad” bacteria is reintroduced, as will be the case naturally, there is no defense as the good bacteria has gone. The whole cycle then begins again and this is the reason why most women will get repeat attacks.

To get the vagina back to normal, you have to restore the acid/alkaline balance of the vagina back to the usual levels. Natural treatment of bacterial vaginosis is very effective at supporting the immune system, allowing natural healing to take place.

There are a few natural treatments which you can try at home which may give some relief and aid natural healing.

* Try eating live, natural yogurt as this can help restore the balance of the vagina. Another tip is to insert a yogurt-soaked tampon directly into the vagina

* Many women have found that taking garlic tablets helps, as garlic is known to have antiseptic properties

* Avoid overwashing the vagina as this can upset the natural balance within the vagina

* Do not used perfumed products on the vaginal area

* Like garlic, tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and you could try using pessaries (just ensure they are of a grade suitable for internal use)

There is a natural treatment of bacterial vaginosis which is completely guaranteed to get rid of the condition within 3 days. Not only that, you can learn how to eradicate some of the most unpleasant symptoms within minutes. Providing you are prepared to invest a little time and effort in learning just how to treat yourself, you will learn strategies which will ensure that you have no repetition of BV. You can find lots of helpful information about bacterial vaginosis at Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis You can see full details of natural treatment of bacterial vaginosis immediately. It is available for immediate download, with no waiting and no expensive shipping costs.

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